Premium Servers
Affordable Prices.

Our virtual private servers are perfect for game networks, online projects, backends, Discord bots, and more. With options ranging from dedicated Xeon E5 V4 to powerful Ryzen 9 CPUs with DDR5 memory, you can say farewell to outdated hardware and antiquated systems. Effortlessly deploy your projects on our advanced infrastructure, featuring an intuitive control panel. We offer easy node module installs, backups, and database creations, ensuring a seamless development process. Whatever your goal is, as long as it follows our TOS, we've got a server for you!


With Prism Cloud, our upcoming Server Splitter tool will revolutionize your hosting experience. Until then, our versatile Egg Changer lets you effortlessly create multiple Minecraft servers, Discord bots, web servers, and more. Stay tuned for more ways to maximize your server's potential!

Fast & Feature Full

At Prism Cloud, we provide advanced features through our Proxmox based panel, like noVNC, xTerm.js, backups, and OS reinstalls—all free of charge. We also use tier 1 hypervisors, running directly on hardware for superior performance and efficiency, ensuring your virtual machines run optimally.

Priced Right

At Prism Cloud, we believe in excellent service at a fair price. As former Minecraft server owners, we've experienced the frustrations of overpriced, subpar hosting. Driven by our passion for computing, we created Prism Cloud—a host that truly cares about its customers.

Pick The Perfect Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are your servers located?

We are primarily based in Dallas (TX) with smaller POPs in Salt Lake City (UT). We only offer VPSes hardware in Dallas.

What payment methods are accepted.

Currently, we accept card (via Stripe), and PayPal payments.

How does support work?

For our support, you can either open a ticket on our client panel, or make a ticket in our Discord server, to open a chat with our team.

What is your refund policy?

We do not offer refunds on dedicated servers.

How do you handle abuse reports?

Please consult our terms of service our AUP and policies. Abuse reports are generally dealt with case by case. Initial infractions generally don't result in termination, but continued reports may.

Can I have a discount?

Normal coupon discounts apply to VPSes, and you can save by purchasing with a longer contract term.

Join The Club

Create your server with Prism Cloud, or have us migrate it for you.